Writing a book report in 2 hours

Book reports can be fun or boring depending on the book. Most of the time in high school or university, the books you have to study aren't what you'd normally read, and that makes it boring. But even with a boring book, you can make a good book report on it in less time than you think. If you're looking for tips on writing a book report, you're in the right place. Do you stress over whether you'll be able to explain the book properly or how you can answer certain questions about the book you read? That situation calls for some quick writing tips.

Tips for Writing a Book Report Fast

So you have 2 hours to right this report. First, you need to make an outline. More boring stuff, I know, but an outline will seriously help you get the rest of the report done a lot faster and more cohesively. Start your outline by looking at the instructions from your teachers. Once you know exactly what you need to put into your book report, all you need to do is put those things in. it makes for a simpler process and a more organized report.

Another tip for fast writing is having your notes and the book itself right next to you. When you do actually get to writing of the first draft, you'll want these close by for quotes and references to things you already noticed while reading the book in class. You also won't have to stop what you're doing to go look for notes that you lost and waste time.

Book reports are usually facts about the books, but they can also have your opinion. Unless your teacher wants an objective perspective in your report, you should add some of your personality and thoughts into this. Often it's easier writing about what you think than analyzing something mechanically. It can save you time to simply write out your feelings and observations, and then later cut or edit as needed.

Writing a book report doesn't have to be hard or take a long time. If you're focused and you have a plan for what needs to be done, you'll be able to get there. Write your report today; stop putting it off and have fun with it. Book reports don't have to be stressful or boring, they can be rewarding.

